Welcome to Everest Dental PC! Our friendly dentists and team are dedicated to helping you improve your oral health so that you can enjoy a beautiful smile for years to come. When you visit our office, you can rely on us to provide you with personal care that meets your unique needs. Call today to make an appointment with Dr. Lisha Shrestha and Dr. Asha Gulati and learn more about dental care in White Plains, New York!
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Get to Know Us
We are excited to help you care for your smile! We want you to feel comfortable in our office and invite you to get to know us through our website before you visit Everest Dental PC. We are committed to providing you with personalized treatments, and we go the extra mile to help you feel at ease each time you visit us. Give us a call today to make your appointment with our dentists and team!
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White plains office
20 Old Mamaroneck Rd., Suite 1D
White Plains, NY 10605